Emergencies > Help for women

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What special rights do women have?
Who supports women with taking their rights?
By fundamental law equality between men and women is a granted right in Germany especially in their rights and duties. Still, even in Germany and Europe that equality is quite young. After centuries or millennia were women have been suppressed there are more and more successful attempts to change that since the late 19th century. This results in many rights for women which are protected in Germany with special care.
Here are a few examples of women's rights:Women may participate in free elections for politics and government and also become politicians themselves. The current supreme ruler of the Federal Republic of Germany is a woman - Dr. Angela Merkel.
Women have a right to education. Globally, the proportion of illiterates in girls compared to boys is quite high. Reasons for this are the lack of investment in girls' education. In Germany, all children have to attend school. Parents must support them in what is granted by the guarantee of compulsory education. Adult women have a right to vocational training in the form of an apprenticeship or studies.
Women can have any job they like to have. Neither their parents nor their partners have the right to handicap them. This profession they may freely choose and should thereby be paid by the employer equivalent. Unfortunately, this option of salary negotiation is not used by all women. Nevertheless, every woman has the right to make demands. The minimum payment for a permanent position is the so-called minimum wage of 8.50 €, which applies equally for women and men.
Women as well as men have the right to property - in cash or in the form of objects. Property is considered to be somewhat protected in the sense of the owner. What they have received - as a gift or wages - is to them. Nobody has the right to take away something from another person. Please contact the police if you are victim or witness of such a crime.
Women also have the right to make free decisions in sexual matters. No man may force them to have sex, even within a relationship. If you are victim or witness of such an act, be sure to contact the police.
Women may choose who they want to marry as soon as they are off age. A marriage must be a voluntary step from both relationship partners otherwise the marriage will not be recognized. It is certified with the question of the free will to marry.The right to physical integrity of women and girls is above all other concerns. These concerns may be religiously motivated or based on traditions. Limitations of this integrity such as female circumcision are prohibited in Germany. If you or a female relative or friend should be subject of such a crime, please seek help and advice. If mutilation or violence of any kind has already been made, please seek medical help. You can either go to a gynecologist or in a hospital.If you are worried that does who have done violence to you might harm you again you can seek help in so-called women’s shelters. You can stay there if you are in an acute threat. The addresses are kept strictly secret, so you cannot be found at this location by potential perpetrators. In a shelter there is also the possibility of childcare available in addition to the basic service. Please ask consultants or the police after a contact option if you want to take advantage of this protection.
I need help because I was violated.
Ich brauche Hilfe, da mir Gewalt angetan wurde.
Please help me.
Bitte helfen Sie mir.
Where is the nearest police station?
Wo finde ich die nächste Polizeiwache?
I need anonymous counseling. Whom can I contact?
Ich benötige anonyme Beratung. An wen kann ich mich wenden?
I need medical help.
Ich benötige medizinische Hilfe.
My child needs medical help.
Mein Kind benötigt medizinische Hilfe.
How do I get to the nearest hospital?
Wie gelange ich zum nächsten Krankenhaus?
Where can I find a gynecologist?
Wo finde ich einen Frauenarzt/ eine Frauenärztin?
Where can I find a pediatrician?
Wo finde ich einen Kinderarzt/ eine Kinderärztin?
Can you please show me the way to the nearest doctor's office?
Können Sie mir bitte den Weg zur nächsten Arztpraxis zeigen?