Minister for Equality and Integration

The Business Unit Equality and Integration in SMS
Petra Köpping
is the Saxon State Minister for Equality and Integration. Her business
unit at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection supports
the integration of migrants in Saxony. For example, voluntary services
are being supported which helps immigranted people or initiatives which
are committed against racism. In addition, the Minister of State, with
its policy, advocates that women and men have the same chances of
freeing their lives from childhood. This also affects the area of sexual
self-determination. In addition, it is an important concern to promote
democratic culture and to strengthen the liberal democratic order in
Unit of equality
- Equality between women and men
- Equal Opportunity Advisory Board
- Directive "Equal Opportunities"
- Promotion of founders, Saxon founders' prize
- Tolerance and acceptance of sexual and gender diversity
- Violence, prostitution
- Integration Unit
- Integration of asylum seekers
- Advisory Board on Migration and Integration
- Asylum seekers' performance laws and secondary legislation
- Integration of displaced persons and ethnic repatriates
- Saxon integration price
Democratic promotion
- Country Program "World Open Saxony for Democracy and Tolerance" (WOS)
- Directive "Integrative measures"
- Guideline "Social Care for Refugees"
- Democracy Center Saxony, State Coordination Office "Living Democracy!"
- Advisory and coordinating body Radicalization Prevention (expected from April 2017)
Variety and cohesion
- Association talks, integration in the labor market, coordination of language acquisition according to the coalition agreement
- Conception of the signposting courses for asylum seekers
- Intercultural opening of the administration, Charter of Diversity