Integration > Ministries of Saxony

The Saxon State Chancellor supports the Prime Minister in carrying out his tasks. Around 240 employees work out the political foundations that Saxony is a cosmopolitan, modern and innovative country in the middle of Europe.
The Saxon State Ministry of the Interior (SMI) is the supreme aliens authority in the Freistaat Sachsen. He is subordinate to the Land Directorates as higher, as well as to the counties and district-free cities as lower foreigners' authorities. One focus of the work of the SMI is on all matters relating to the reception, residence and accommodation of asylum seekers as well as other foreign refugees. In addition, the Sächsische Hardsfallkommission was established at the SMI. The Hardship Commission may ensure that foreigners who are able to leave the country are issued with a residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons.
The Saxon State Ministry of Finance is a supreme state authority, and is responsible for the general financial policy as well as the public financial management of the Free State of Saxony.
The Saxon State Ministry of Justice is a supreme state authority and is responsible for the interests of the judiciary within the government. The Ministry of Justice has, inter alia, the task of creating the organizational, budget, personnel and infrastructure requirements for the courts, public prosecutions and other judicial authorities.
The Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs is responsible within the Saxon state government for the area of education from toddlers to adults. This also includes the training of teachers and the construction of schools. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Research deals with the recognition and evaluation of educational qualifications.
The Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (SMS) takes care of the concerns of humans and animals at every age and every life situation. It is responsible for children, young people and families as well as for seniors, people with disabilities and welfare recipients. The Minister of Social Affairs is Barbara Klepsch. The Equality and Integration Minister Petra Köpping is also part of the SMS, but has her own business area and tasks other than the Minister of Social Affairs (see "The Business Unit Equality and Integration in the SMS")
The Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture is responsible for the agricultural, forestry, hunting and environmental policy in the Free State of Saxony. These include, for example, nature and species protection as well as landscape ecology and landscape planning.
The Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport is responsible for economic, labor and transport policies in the Free State of Saxony. These include, for example, the employment and employment policies, professional safeguarding, professional qualification, the strengthening of the economy and the establishment of companies as well as all areas of road, rail, air, ship and bicycle traffic.
In the Saxon State Ministry of Science and Art (SMWK), the areas of social life for the Free State of Saxony are united and coordinated. The tasks of the SMWK include the promotion of research and teaching in universities, the cultivation of art and culture and the promotion of non-university research facilities.