Corona-help > Tips for pet owners

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These are turbulent times at the moment, which also cause great uncertainty for dog owners. Therefore you will find here some hints, tips and suggestions for the handling of your four-legged friends during the Corona crisis.
Explanatory video about the area for pet owners
Even if the situation is difficult for everyone, neither panic nor exaggerated reactions help anyone. On the contrary. Especially our dogs sense our moods very precisely and may even be infected by them. Therefore, please try to keep calm at home and to radiate this. This helps you and your four-legged friends.
Even with the pronounced contact prohibitions or exit restrictions the usual walks with dogs are still allowed. But keep them as short as possible and stay within the vicinity of your home. For your own and other people's safety, please only walk out with members of your household with the dogs. If you meet other dog owners, please keep a minimum distance of two metres.
Due to the current situation, the joint search for lost dogs is very problematic. This is to be avoided from the beginning as far as possible. Perhaps you would prefer not to let the dog off the leash at the moment, so that you are not faced with a problem afterwards. So now pay more attention to your dogs than ever.
According to current knowledge, dogs cannot be infected with Corona. Unfortunately, however, they can be the carrier of the virus. The dog can transmit the virus to other people, for example if a person infected with Corona strokes your dog or touches the leash. Therefore avoid contact with other people and dogs.
In some cases, almost hysterical purchases of oversized quantities can already be observed in pet food markets. The fear that there will soon be no more food to buy is completely unfounded. Manufacturers' warehouses are full and pet food markets will remain open. Buy good supplies, but please leave some for the other pet owners. Large packs have the advantage that you do not have to buy so often.
Especially for dogs that are used to a lot of exercise and running around, it is now important to keep them busy at home. Especially if a walk is a little too short, keep your dogs busy indoors. Think up search games, little brainteasers, tugging games and the like.
Helpful Links
2nd Hand Tiere e. V
Non-profit organization working for the welfare of animals from the animal welfare sector. It helps people to consciously stand up for second hand animals and animal welfare. The association and its members are also intensively committed to the welfare of animals.
Animal welfare in Saxony
The Saxon Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion is also responsible for animals. Here they inform about animal protection and animal health.