Corona-help > Children in homeschooling

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Employees in the home office, the children at home in home schooling. Taking all interests into account is a huge challenge with the current restrictions. We give tips for a day structure and to support the children in online learning.
Explanatory video about children in homeschooling
Learning at home varies according to the age of the child. Primary school children are provided with the tasks by the teachers, usually by e-mail or printed out in the classic form. Older children often work with the online learning platforms used by the school.
Changed learning environment - The challenge for all children is the changed form of learning. Suddenly, the teacher is no longer constantly available as a reference person. Parents can only fill this gap to a limited extent. It is important to keep in touch with the teacher and ask questions if necessary. This can be done by e-mail or video chat.
Daily structure - having lessons at home does not mean being on holiday. A fixed daily schedule can be helpful for the child. If the school does not teach the tasks as in the usual timetable, parents can work out a daily schedule together with the child. This helps to arrange the subjects and to keep breaks.
Giving support - The parents cannot and should not replace the teacher. Nevertheless, parents should signal support and be available to the child for questions, problems and needs. During the learning time of the children it is often difficult to plan enough time for the own work in the home office. It can be useful to schedule important work for the afternoon or evening.
Online learning platforms - There are different learning platforms that are used by some schools. In some cases the abundance of tasks can lead to stress for the children. If possible, take the time to create a daily or weekly schedule together. Uploading or scanning the completed tasks also costs additional time. If your child is not able to do this alone, give support. You can help here by creating folders for the respective subjects - for an overview.
Questions and answers
Talk to your child and get an overview of the scope of the tasks together. Some children already work very independently, others need support and need to be accompanied more. If possible, plan for this time with your child.
There are different online platforms. If your child already uses a learning platform through school, other providers can be a supplement. It can be helpful to have good explanatory videos on certain subjects that deepen a topic.
Tasks English in Homeschooling
Tasks for pupils from 5th to 8th grade
Helbling Verlag GmbH - www.helbling-verlag.de
Homeschooling Challenge
Actions and ideas for the school days at home
Georg Westermann Verlag - www.westermann.de
Helpful Links
10 tips on the subject of "Homeschooling
Helpful tips from the trade union Education and Science
Helpful article on the subject of "Homeschooling
The article provides good support and tips on the daily structure
Link of the city of Dresden to schools and day care centres
Information related to the coronavirus